Lucknow: Election Commission of India has launched the C-VIGIL app to ensure free and fair voting in Lok Sabha elections. People will be able to report violations of the model code of conduct through the app.
The app works smoothly on all smartphones. This app will also monitor violations of the code of conduct. Uttar Pradesh Chief Electoral Officer Navdeep Rinwa said that common citizens can complain about violations of the Model Code of Conduct through the C-Vigil app.
C-Vigil app can be downloaded from Play Store or App Store in mobile. Through this app, complaints about violation of code of conduct can be made by uploading live photos and live videos.
A citizen can also monitor his complaint by logging into the C-Vigil app. The Chief Electoral Officer said that there is no requirement of name and mobile number to make a complaint on the C-Vigil app.
But if the complainant gives his name and mobile number, he can also monitor his complaint through the app. The time period for resolving the complaint is 100 minutes. When a complaint is registered, the concerned Returning Officer sends his nearest Flying Squad (FST) team to the complaint site.
He further said that in addition to the general complaints in C-Vigil App, apart from money distribution, gift/coupon distribution, liquor distribution etc., there are complaints like putting up posters, banners without permission, holding meetings without permission, parking vehicles for campaigning without permission, religious and crazy speeches. Complaints related to this are filed.